Sunday, August 11, 2013

Instant request

A reader writes in:

Could you do a post to tell whoever to take down the fucking fence in the middle of the Park?

Uh, sure! Studio lines are open.

The fence went up Thursday for a dog event hosted by Nate Berkus.

Previously on EV Grieve:
That temporary fence in the middle of Tompkins Square Park


jones said...

Oh, why don't we crowd-source and dismantle it ourselves?

Bucket of Chunder said...

Up since Thursday? OK, it's probably forgotten.

It's up for grabs now.

Feel free to take a section home now.

Maybe use your section to hang your pots from on S hooks? Or as a trellis? Room divider? Headboard? Mattress support? Screen door so you can have your apartment door and windows open and enjoy a cross breeze?

Fipper said...

Looks like his Facebook page is a good place to start... Saw a couple of replies...

Anonymous said...

Just left a comment on his facebook page.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who is playing LOUD Tony Bennet/Broadway show tune type of music all day, every day? It's coming from an apartment window in the middle of the block on 10th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues.