Saturday, September 10, 2016

New amenity alert

Third Street near Avenue A.

Unless this is some new public art. (In that case, thank you Amanda Burden-Christ!)


JQ LLC said...

Amanda Burden Christ- love that name.

The way those are assembled looks like it can be used for a musical number.

Amanda Burden-Christ said...

You'll notice there's an ongoing theme of decay in all my public seating options: coffins, toilets...

Speaking of turned stomachs, just wait until my CitiBike Haloween Spectacular at Astor Place when I'll have a headless horseman on a CitiBike hunting humans! Oh. I've already said too much!

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy! First kiosks with free telephones, and now, free toilets!

Scuba Diva said...

Does this make public urination legal—as long as you aim?