Monday, August 4, 2008

Yankee Stadium: "Priced out of the game"

Post sports radio/TV scribe Phil Mushnick wonders why Yankee Stadium will be demolished after this season:

"It's being destroyed because it, too, has been priced out of the game. It's being knocked down for a new ballpark with fewer but far more expensive seats; eliminated so it can be replaced by a stadium with more luxury boxes and costlier come-ons for corporations and the mindlessly wealthy."


  1. So true. I simply don't go to games any longer. I won't even take free seats. Even if the seats are free, the beers are $10.00 (for Heineken). Add 6.75 for a hot dog. Its ludicrous. I watch on YES for free (almost).

  2. I don't even watch the games (MLB), on tv, live, or otherwise. The Staten Island Yankees or the Brooklyn Cyclones, Newark Bears, Long Island Ducks, or any other minor league teams are much better to watch. You see the players pour their heart out in the game. I just refused to watch MLB baseball players getting paid an exorbitant amount of money; win or lose they'd still be millionaires. Why should I care and cry if the Yankees (or any other baseball teams) lose? Would they care if I lose my job or my apt. because I were gentrified and were priced out? America's pastime has lost its soul, much like the gentrified NYC. All because of money. Damn Yankees.

  3. its not the players fault that they make so much money. i watch on tv and still get the same thrill I got when I was a kid, you remember back whn the yankees were also overpaid in the 80s? Difference is back then they never made the playoffs (except '81).

  4. Ah, I liked the 1987 Yankees with Rickey Henderson and Ron Kittle sharing the DH duties!

  5. It was nice to see Rickey at the old timer's game. still can't understand what the hell he says but nice to see him there. conspicuously didn't see Mattingly or Bernie there. maybe i missed them?

    My favorite player was Winfield. Gotta respect a guy who tells the Boss F You....that and who's 6'6". Pagliarulo, Butch Wynegar, Mattingly, Steve Sax, the 80's list goes on.

  6. Mattingly couldn't make it bewcause of his duties with the Dodgers...But Bernie? Good call. If he ever comes back for the game, he'll get a huge ovation.

    How about Bye Bye Balboni?

  7. I've always thought that the Yankees have been cursed since Paul O'neill retired. Oneill's last year was the last time they a WS. And ever since they have had a rotating right fielder. O'Neill may not have been a great player, but he had heart, something money can buy. So regardless on how much they pay these players, and how well they perform(e.g, A-Rod), you cannot simply purchase heart.

  8. Last game O'Neill played was a WS win over the Mets. We just don't have guys like O'Neill, Cone, Bernie, Tino any more. These guys refused to lose.

    Ever since we got Giambi and Mussina, we've won zero titles. These guys just aren't gamer type guys. (Although w/r/t Mussina, he did pitch lights out in Game 7 against the Sox in 2003).

    Tino and O'Neill were HUGE losses for us. Everyone always thinks Jeter was so good. Bullshit. Tino and O'Neill. I'll throw in Brosius too. Jeter's the most overrated player in history, possibly. he's done dick this year and for 22 million. at least ARod puts up numbers.

    sorry for my mike and the mad dog moment.


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