From a Q-and-A with Moby in Black Book:
People say they miss the old New York. Do you like it better now?
Only the things that I miss. it was cheaper. When you went out you never expected to spend a lot of money, so this whole bottle service, when someone goes out and has to spend $1,000 for a good night out, that’s just absurd. In the late 80s and the early 90s everybody could afford to live in the East Village, so everybody lived and worked and went out in the same neighborhood, and it just made everything a lot much nicer. So now, its almost like the NYC diaspora has happened where some people live in Bushwick, some people live in Redhook, some people live in Jersey City, some people live in Inwood, so the good old days where everybody lives on top of each other, those are gone. New York is always going to be big enough to accommodate anyone who wants to live here. There’s always going to be some new derelict neighborhood where 20-year-old artists are going to move to. That’s what Soho was, that’s what the East Village was, that’s what Tribeca was, and that’s certainly what the Lower East Side was.
Eff Moby. Who cares what he has to say?
True! I feel the same way...But I posted it anyway...you know, offer a variety of opinions! (Ha....)
Him, Bono & Michael Stipe (and maybe Flea from the Chili Peppers) - just go the hell away!
What about Chris Martin? I never liked him until he made fun of himself on Extras.
I'm not sick of him...yet. However, Coldplay does suck the big one if only because of their junior high school girl lyrics. God, they're embarrassing. I think Alan McGee called them bedwetters! Ha ha!!!
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