Monday, March 23, 2009

The End of Extra Place

In February, Extra Place was paved an effort to "beautify" the piss-filled alley that ran behind CBGB and turn it into a pedestrian mall...

And a capper to the project, an ominous "End" sign was put up... signify the "End" of an era...or to warn motorists who may not otherwise be able to see the building that is sitting there...

By the way, it has been nearly one year since the makeover plans were announced for Extra Place.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Looking at Extra Place

The Chocolate Wars (well, not at all, but we needed something that sounds CONTROVERSIAL)


  1. Whatever cafes, retail, etc they put in there will be better than a piss-soaked alley.

  2. Every time I walk by there, which is kind of often since I live on 1st St, I think I ought to check out the chocolate shop but I'm usually running off somewhere. One day soon. Chocolate is one of my favorite things. The bitter the better.


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