Friday, March 13, 2009

Two good bags: At J. Baczynsky's East Village Meat Market

I love everything about J. Baczynsky's East Village Meat Market at 139 Second Ave. near Ninth Street...seen here in this shot taken by EssG (via Flickr).

...including their shopping bags. I treat the bags like a piece of art. While I could recycle them whenever I go visit to the shop, I greedily get another one...

...which is one reason they may have run out of the bags the other day...they were left to use the common "I heart NY" variety...

I was told the bag shortage was only temporary. Still, these things can't be cheap to make.

For further reading:
Bye-bye Burritoville (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)


  1. When my mother lived in NYC she always shopped at Kurowucky's Meat Market on 1st Avenue near 7th Street. God, I love the smell!

  2. man those bags are spectacular, I'm going to start hoarding a few myself.

    Thanks for using my shot above btw.

  3. I live down the street and sadly don't go to the meat market as often as I'd like (mainly because I don't have much time to cook). Those bags are awesome though, if they made a shirt I'd buy one in a second.

  4. I love the typo on the second bag "bagcynsky". In every major city, there are Baczynsky types of butcher shop serving the Ukrainian community.
    In some cases, there are even distinct opinions on which make the better sausage, as i am sure was the case when Kurowycky's was still around. I believe Mr. Kurowycky actually started out working with Mr Baczynsky before he opened his own shop on 1st ave.
    In Detroit, it's an east side vs. west side sausage rivalry. With Markowycz's (west) vs. Kopytko's (east). As my family is a lifelong customer of Markowycz's, you can imagine where my allegiances lie.


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