"There's been a parade of big fat rats every night," complains one local, whose neighbors include Rupert Everett, Michael Cera and NBC News anchor Lester Holt. "You can hear shrieks from fighting rats, and from girls walking by who see the rats," adds the resident. A witness even overheard Gisele Bundchen scream after almost running into one. (Page Six)
stepped on a dead mouse in my apartment last week. Scared the crap out of me. And I'm on the 7th floor...
you can dress up the city all nice, but it's still a rat haven..
boo fu^c%*ng hoo
"You can hear shrieks from fighting rats, and from girls walking by who see the rats,"Isn't it more like "You can hear shrieks from fighting girls, and from rats walking by who see the girls," ?
It was weird--all the huge rats I ever saw in NY were on Lafayette near Houston. I always mistook them for cats first. Ewww.
I'm surprised when I DON'T see a rat.
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