Monday, May 11, 2009

Information on recent TSP attacks

Bob Arihood has detailed reporting on several recent attacks in Tompkins Square Park — one of which may have resulted in the death of a young woman. Meanwhile, something seems a little different this year around the Park— more menacing, perhaps. As a commenter noted on Neither More Nor Less, "I've been somewhat worried about this summer in TSP. There are a lot more people hanging out already than there was this time last year."


  1. The last time I attempted to take a picture through a fence at the park (dudes playing basketball), a giant dude threatened to attack me. If not for my girlfriend, I would have taken him on and probably been hospitalized. Nice.

  2. God, native NY'ers are so intelligent. It's mind-boggling how stupid an entire geographical region can be. I guess in New York being uneducated and angry is cool.

    -a yuppie who is counting down the days till he moves back west

  3. The comment that came before yours was indeed both ignorant and vulgar; on the other hand, if it confirmed your opinion of native New Yorkers, please leave as soon as you possibly can. I've had quite enough of your ilk.

  4. BaHa, for every 1 of you there are 20 of the 1st anonymous posters wandering the streets. Saying that they're all natives was ignorant of me, though. This city seems to attract morons from all over the world.

  5. And that is the cross we have to bear; sometimes with grace, sometimes not.


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