As expected, on Seventh Street, after the landlord reportedly jacked up the rent to
$20,000 a month. At last word, Mikey's was hoping to move to a new location, though one had not been secured. Rumor is that a nail salon will open here...

Not much free stuff left.
that's gonna be an expensive nail salon.
Great, Now they can open up another faggety sidewalk cafe, where middle upper class people from the suburbs drink $8 beers and pay $2000 a month rent for a shitty apartment in some rat infested tenement.
God bless, Mikey. We'll miss you. Hope you open up somewhere else in the neighborhood.
Also: RIP, Pretty Boy.
If he reopens, I doubt it will be in this area. Sad..another one bites the dust. Whole Earth still mysteriously sign of any work being done.
Where is Mikey now?
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