Saturday, September 12, 2009

Models Inc.

Crucial article today in the Post on booking models for clubs. Here's Danny Kane, a former promoter who now co-owns The Gates.

Kane lays out the math behind the models.

“If they’re 5-foot-10 or 5-foot-11, that’s one story. If they’re borderline OK, it’s harder.”

He calculates that a promoter who brings 10 or so girls measuring “5-foot-5 or 5-foot-6” to a Manhattan club or restaurant might command $500 for a night. A promoter who brings in the tall girls can get up to $2,500. In both cases, the models drink for free — the idea being that dudes wishing to party near them will book a table, which typically requires a $1,500 drink minimum per foursome.


  1. Who says models are dumb! The promoter who brings them to the club can get up to $2,500, and they drinks and the privilege of having a bunch of dope Goldman Sachs dudes "partying near them!" But not too near! Mama didn't raise no stoopid babies!

  2. most guys don't want tall bitches, we want hot ones, who cares how tall

  3. If you call women bitches, I doubt that you're doing very well that way.

  4. And to think I've always been bemused by people who pay others to take their clothes off in front of them... "dudes wishing to party near" tall models are even sadder!

  5. I'm only 5 feet tall! I feel so...worthless..sniff..


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