When you're out and about this holiday season, stop by Ray's Candy Store on Avenue A between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place... the food is tasty...and...
...business isn't so good. As Slum Goddess noted:
He cut the price of his Belgian "Obama" waffles to $2.00..Don't know if it was the right thing to do..but his business is slow...PLEASE go there and support Ray's Candy Store..If he closes Avenue A will have lost an icon..
And Scoopy reported this week...
[H]e said, this is the first time since he bought the hole-in-the-wall store in 1974 that he’s never paid his rent on the first of the month. "They might throw me out," he said matter of factly. "If I work alone — no girls, no help — I will make $100 a day and pay my rent. ... And if lose my store, I lose my apartment, too. This is my only income, and it’s too cold to collect cans." He wasn’t kidding.
Also, according to Bob Arihood, look for some new coffee products soon at Ray's...
Crap. I'll come out and support this guy. I mean, I have no money either, but maybe if we spread the word of these problems sooner everyone could pitch in before the vampire landlords get twitchy. Can we also bring back the "rent party"? I don't know how I'm going to last another six months...
Ugh, this hurts. I love Ray's and go there for a hot dog whenever possible...I think this Christmas will be full of hot dogs and coffee. Come to think of it, I could use some tube socks, too.
too bad, neighborhoods changed, if the people don't want it, your business ends. capitalism.
OK, will somebody give that person a lump of coal please? have a heart—it's Christmas! I mean, it's also the guy's HOME.
My milkshake consumption has fallen off, but I will spring back into action on behalf of Ray and his homemade signage.
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