In response to some earlier NYU-related news today.... A message from Slacktivist leader John Penley:
Attention NYU students: Tell your University We have had enough! Can't take no more. I have decided to organize a protest against out of control NYU dorm expansion. No date set yet... Tell people who support this to friend me on Facebook. Slactivists are gonna be at Washington Square Park. Count on it !!!!!!
Penley's Facebook page is here.
has anyone seen THIS???
i enjoy watching the dorms from my window across the street. The young people dance around naked like they are in Idaho. Hello!
To make myself absolutely clear, I accuse NYU of RACIST admission policies and the University is and has been one of the main forces behind gentrification on the Lower East Side. As for the New York Times, Without big money real estate advertising they would not be publishing a newspaper. I am afraid that one of the casulties of the NYU-NYT alliance will be The Villager Newspaper.
@Glamma - interesting comments on that page...
Maybe I'm not thinking broadly enough, but I don't think there's much to worry about as far as the new blog goes. It will speak for itself, and judging by all the talent that's already out there (and in here), it's George III v The Colonists. The biggest mistake NYU/NYT is making is underestimating the writers/bloggers/activists who have this covered.
I kind of have to laugh when the white activists get all up in arms about NYU kids gentrifying the East Village. This neighborhood was settled by Germans and other Eastern European immigrants and guess what, they were white! As far as I know, they didn't start picketing when Puerto Ricans began moving into the neighborhood. And seriously does it matter what races live in the East Village. No matter what race we are, we deserve to be here. Why can't we all get along? Wait, we all do get along. It's just activists who want to make names for themselves that don't get along with any of us!
Class Differences. You still continue to ignore my allegations of Racist adimissions policy. No we do not get along most neighborhood residents cannot stand NYU students. I could care less about making a name for myself. Tamiment library at NYU did that for me. Let's see how many people I can turn out for anti-dorm protests at NYU in the spring. NYU IS racist. Sign your name like I do.
oh, john penley, you're angry because you're impotent. there is nothing racist about NYU. classicist, maybe but your claims are just silly. do you even live in the city anymore?
you go john. you are a hero!
Kurt I live on Ave. D. NYU has almost no Black or Latino students I cite that as evidence of Racist admission policies especially in NYC. Call me impotent to my face. I have been getting a huge response to my calls for a protest against NYU dorm expansion. Let's see how many people I can turn out in May at NYU. I will FU anytime sucker.
Internet tough guys make me giggle. You are impotent. Your protest have resulted in nothing in the past and you'll have the same results in the future. You can protest all you want but NYU will still do as it pleases. You are NYU's bitch.
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