Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"All uses considered" at former Graceland

Thanks to EV Grieve reader BaHa for these photos from yesterday afternoon outside the former Graceland on Avenue A and Second Street... workers removed all of the former Graceland canopy...

and new "for rent" signs are up...

Workers told Graceland regulars before closing that another grocery was taking the place here... that doesn't necessarily appear to be the case... here's the listing... it's going for $115 a square foot... anyone have high hopes that something good for the neighborhood will take this place...?

Yeah, me neither.


  1. I vented basement means a kitchen, so it's possible for a nice sized restaurant or to be broken up if necessary.

    What would you like it to be? I say figure that out and then start approaching people to make it happen.

  2. Unbelievable. I was okay with it when they said another deli. Apparently the proposed tenants got wise to the fact that paying twice as much while clearing the same amount of money was a shitty investment. Can't wait to play the speculation game on this one.

    Also love which neighbors they picked.

  3. would make a nice chase bank :(

  4. I bet something to do with either kids or pets.


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