Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Public nuisance... or art?

EV Grieve contributor Blue Glass wonders if the eternal ConEd smokestack/roadblock on First Avenue and 10th Street will ever go away....

Meanwhile, another reader helpfully notes that this is actually an art installation by Paul Richard!


  1. This guy's been running around putting his "stamp" on everything in the EV/LES for the last year or so. Yeah, hahaha, you put a "gallery" tag on something. Someone needs to tell him that Marcel Duchamp already made that joke, like, 80 frickin' years ago. This is a first-year-of-art-school prank, at best. Doesn't even deserve mention.

  2. i have to say i do ind it hysterical. even if it's been done before it's worth doing again. drowning in irony!

  3. I hope its not a permanent installation...


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