Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tompkins Square Bagels has a new address

In July, I reported that , Christopher Pugliese would open Tompkins Square Bagels here at 165 Avenue A....

In recent weeks, things have changed a bit... He will now be opening shop — expected Nov. 1 — a few storefronts to the north...at 171 Avenue A... most recently the possible home of Keith Masco's fish market/eatery...

I'll tell you the story about the Why behind this address change soon enough...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Coming this fall to Avenue A: Tompkins Square Bagels


  1. Tell us, tell us! I'm still chomping at the bit for deets on the Diablo Royale fiasco.

    Anyway, YAY BAGELS. So glad it's not another shitty bar. I've been so sad since David's closed (I know Ess-a is just a ways up 1st Ave, but I am lazy).

  2. David's has a store on 1st avenue between 19th & 20th that serves the exact same fare as their now closed store between 13th & 14th. It's been there for years. Ess-a still makes a great bagel tho. I also used to love Bagels On The Square at Carmine & 6th, but I haven't been there in a while. They had a great dense, chewy sourdough type with a bit more flavor and character than most.

    Damm... I remember when bagels were 7 cents.

  3. Hmm, well Christopher and his bagel store is welcome anywhere on our block.

    I can see why he might want to sponge off the Westville crowd and distance himself from Diablo, which increasingly has turned our block into a pedestrian parking lot (Diablo, strike one).

    November 1 can't come soon enough - I've never had a bagel and am waiting for my chance after 13 years!


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