Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cops shutter Webster Hall during "the largest paint party in the world"

So last night, Webster Hall hosted DayGlow, billed as "the largest paint party in the world."


Apparently it was quite large... so large, that we hear the NYPD swarmed the club.... giving everyone the boot... and shutting down 11th Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue. Per DJ David Berrie, who played at the event, on Twitter: "Wowwww webster hall shut down by cops that's is by farr the most packed I've ever seen webster."

Which, as EV Grieve reader Eric described, "lead to 'Douche On Parade' on Fourth Avenue."


  1. I was there, it was horribel! So crowded you couldn't move let alone dance. We left around 1am and they didn't even bring out the paint yet. about 25 mins later the police raided it and made everyone leave. The music was good but Webster Hall let wayy to many people in. Also they said online tickets at the door were 25 or 30 but when we got there they were 40.
    Not a Webster Hall fan...

  2. Things seemed extra noisy in the EV last night. I wonder if this was why.

  3. Here's a good 6 minute video of what it was like inside...

  4. I hope everyone gets their money back

  5. Been trying to call webster hall all day to get a refund as I bought 2 VIP tables for my group but no one is answering the phone. The dayglow website says webster hall is processing refunds but how can they if they dont even answer calls?

  6. I hope none of you people get your money back. I was leaving WH (from an event earlier that night) as the douche parade was streaming in. I've never seen anything so horrifying as thousands of bros-n-hos pretending to be ravers.

    The biggest irony being that this event was so oversold, no dancing was possible at the so-called "rave". You all got ripped off, and it was exactly what you deserved.

  7. We had to load out the show that ended right before DayGlow. Please Note: Webster Hall has no back door for load-outs.

    Imagine carrying cases of displays and lighting equipment THROUGH this crowd while trying not to slip in the vomit or get your event credentials stolen.

  8. No everyone should get a refund, brings WH 1 step closer to shutting down.


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