Monday, October 25, 2010

East Village eatery etc.: Percy's opens tonight; Caffe Buon Gusto loses an awning

Percy's Tavern on Avenue A and 13th Street does open tonight...

Sintir quickly became the Olivia Bistro on Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue....

An EV Grieve reader notes that someone removed the canopy from the never-opened Caffe Buon Gusto on Fifth Street and Avenue B...

The Village Pizza Restaurant and Pizza joint on First Avenue near Second Street is closed now for some reason.... DOB signs on the gate..

A "for rent" sign just went up at the former Layalay space on Avenue B....

And there were big lines at Katz's yesterday.....


  1. Perhaps Village Pizza is closed because of these violations attributed to it:

    Violations were cited in the following area(s).

    Sanitary Violations
    1) Food not cooked to required minimum temperature.
    2) Hot food not held at or above 140°F.
    3) Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations.
    4) Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility's food and/or non-food areas.
    5) Personal cleanliness inadequate. Clean outer garments, effective hair restraint not worn.
    6) Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to vermin exist.

    Administrative Violations
    1) Choking first aid poster not posted. Alcohol and Pregnancy warning sign, inspection report sign; not posted. CPR sign not posted, equipment (resuscitation masks, adult & pediatric, latex gloves) not provided.

  2. Alexander RomanovichOctober 26, 2010 at 9:06 AM

    Here's what I found on Olivia Bistro:


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