Monday, October 11, 2010

East Village eatery etc.: Ramen wars on Fifth Street; soft serve for Roastown Coffee

Dunno how new this is... but someone did recently ask me about gluten-free pizza...this is at Pie on Fourth Avenue near 12th Street....

Song 7.2 on Second Avenue at Seventh Street now features dumplings on a stick...

And, as this photo via Blue Glass show, all of Song 7.2's "back to school" specials feature alcohol....

Kubo has opened on East Fifth Street in the former Le Gamin/Village Bistro East space.... right next to Minca Ramen Factory...the ramen war is on!

And! Roastown Coffee, opening soon on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place, WILL have soft-serve cream as a tipster initially reported... we watched them bring in the machines Saturday morning....


  1. bleh. I work near a place like this -- coffee, wine, sandwiches, frozen yogurt. Anything you could want, all of it is garbage. I'm non plussed.


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