Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Good news-bad news: No L train service this weekend

Pending existential crisis via EV Grieve reader Shawn Chittle:

At least you possibly won't be licked on the face by a stranger.


  1. Heh heh - I thought a good caption for this would be

    "Hipster-free EV weekend courtesy of the MTA"

    One can dream!

  2. Does this mean there are slots open for OHNY? I miss the days when you could just show up at each location without a reservation.

  3. I have a feeling this is a fake.

    ...too bad

  4. How many 100's of millions of dollars are being dumped into this black hole of an L train the MTA is obsessed with robotizing. For which no one is really responsible. Didn't this start under Ghoulianai/Pataki? Oh well, go back to browsing luxury apartments everyone...


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