Friday, October 8, 2010

Powerful new Twitter account rolls into the East Village

Oh, you remember our orange Lamborghini post from earlier? Yes, it now has a Twitter account.

Per @EVLambo:

"Orange Lamborghini" is the new "90's Range Rover" in the EV. For serious.

Fuckin' A, baby! Let's do it!!!


  1. Props to the Lambo if it parks in the bike lane !

  2. Caution: If you follow EVLambo on Twitter, keep a car lengths distance behind, I heard she's quick on the brakes.

  3. could be the new papa john's delivery person.

    that baby's got back, peace y'all.

  4. i think lambos r ostentatious and gaudy. if he keeps parking it on the street it's sure to get grafittied or scratched.


  6. bettyx - it's obviously a joke account. cheer up!


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