Sunday, October 17, 2010

Seventh Street restaurants team up for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

On Tuesday, a handful of eateries on Seventh Street will be donating 10 percent of their sales to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Awareness month. The participating restaurants are: Xoom, Luke's Lobster, Butter Lane and Caracas.


  1. All "yuppie" places we are supposed to hate.

  2. What a cool thing to do.

  3. Well, as an old hippiechick, I can do what I damn well please, yuppoids to the contrary notwithstanding.

    And I think what will best please me on Tuesday will be a lobster roll and an arepa for dinner and a buttercream cupcake for dessert. I'll just force myself to eat for the cure!

  4. "All "yuppie" places we are supposed to hate."

    I don't understand this comment and I don't know if these places are, "yuppie" places because I've never been to any of them. But if they are and they're willing to donate some dough to a worthwhile charity, more power to them.

    P.S. Even if a place is a "yuppie" place and they have a good lobster roll, fuck it, I'll eat there and just ignore the yuppies.

  5. You guys know what "yuppie" stands for right?

  6. @anonymous 9:15pm: Last time I looked it stood for: Young urban professional. And your point is?

  7. I always thought it was "young upwardly-mobile professional". Live and learn.

  8. My point is, what's wrong with being A. Young, (some of us) or B. Urban, (all of us), or C. Professional (most? of us)? What makes that person and the lobster roll places he or she might enjoy so loathed? Seriously, I don't get it.

  9. @Anonymous4:24pm. For me, the word "Yuppie" defines a person who is selfish, overly-materialistic, vain, judgmental, lives to make and spend money and doesn't give a flying fuck if he or she has to run over your grandmother with a bulldozer to get what they want.

  10. @anon 4:24
    Are you sure you're in the right place? Your comments don't have anything to do with restaurants donating to SGK. And your odd hatred of yuppies and lobster rolls is disturbing. Seriously, I don't get it.


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