Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why some dog owners are now carrying knives in Tompkins Square Park

Via CBS 2 ... The Villager had a detailed letter to the editor about the pit bull incidents in last week's issue... DNAinfo had the article this morning...


  1. Our rescue dog has been attacked by pit bulls twice her during the summer. First time was by a young unneutered, muzzled(!) pit who went for my dog's throat and would have killed my dog if it wasn't for the fabric muzzle. My dog fought back, because he was able to, and the owner wanted us to pay for the "bites". He eventually came to his sense but said his dog was worth 30,000 dollars and could kill my dog in a second. Second time was more serious, and it was by a pit from Social Tees (I believe it's the incident R. Shapiro describes in the DNAinfo story). Vet bill to cover the puncture wounds on his head was $500 and Mr. Shapiro graciously covered it. Ever since the incidents I follow my dog and don't let him out of my sight not even for a minute. And our runs last about 10 minutes max. No hanging out in a leisurely fashion; it's walk in, run around and out of the gate. I am really sad to hear about some of the dog victims, because we know some of Kuma.

  2. My pal said he has used the technique of picking up the biting pit by the hind logs and lifting it off the ground to release a grip bite. Fyi

  3. I had my nose broken by a pit bull here in the EV, and my friend's dog was attacked by a pit that ran across the street to make the attack unprovoked (not in the EV). They can be sweet dogs, but owners really have to have them trained professionally, and they need a lot of exercise. Most people can't handle them and shouldn't have them.

  4. It's the people not the dogs. I was walking on Avenue B today between 10th and 11th streets and a white young blonde haired woman(in her 20's) was walking her large pit bull with an attitude that she would let the dog attack someone if no one was around to watch. Luckily there were 3 people and she pulled him back. Sick mother fucker-murderous bitch!!

  5. Is everyone CRAZY??? A woman with an attitude? A guy Carrying a steak knife? A DOG IS A DOG. Grow up people! Some dogs dont like other dogs, some dogs dont like people. They have personalities just like we do. I cant wait to read the headline " Man arrested in dog run for carrying a steak knife"!


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