The mourning continues for the Mars Bar... Yesterday's various news account all but confirm what no one really wanted to acknowledge... the Mars Bar is going away... as early as the spring... Per Patrick Hedlund at DNAinfo:
Circumstances outside the construction timeline — which could take as many as three years or more from the bar's closure until its theoretical reopening — could make it difficult for the diminutive dive to see new life.
The above photo is of Roy, a Mars Bar employee for years... outside the bar that he opened every morning for as long as anyone can remember... He passed away in June. Thanks to Eliesha Grant for permission to use this photo.
removing mars bar is like tearing the heart out of the east village. this is really depressing.
Either Penza has been "choked" or he's duped everyone in exchange for a big paid day. Either way, he clearly knew more that he's saying and has doomed Mars 4ever. That's pretty sad.
I agree with Anon 12:33pm. I think the developers threw some money at Penza and he grabbed it and went to get several pounds of spaghetti and tossed the Mars Bar to the wind. His statement where he called the developers, "good people" and said he's "not concerned about lost revenue" kind of says it all.
This hit me harder than I expected...such a dark and sad week (except for the Web Awards - woo-hoo!). I've tried to explain to people how Mars is not just a bar, but embodies the spirit of the neighborhood. This really feels like a death to me. And, I still miss Roy.
uhm, i don't see how it's even up to hank to stop the development. he doesn't own the building so how could he stop it? am i wrong here?
@ak - you're right. The developer has owned the place for a long, long time.
Ak, by keeping silent he's prevented anyone else from doing anything, and now, it may be too late. That doesn't sound like what a member of the community would do if he cared about the Mars community.
@ak I don't think it's a question of whether or not Hank can stop it, it just seems like he's not fighting it at all. There's definitely some money being exchanged under the table.
@ak: I assumed he owned it, from the way he was quoted in the articles concerning the closing. If I'm wrong, then I take back what I said and apologize to Hank. Does anybody know for sure? If he doesn't own it who does?
Hey people, howsabout taking five minutes from your Mars Bar pity party to remember that a man died here?
Roy was a seriously stylin' dude. I didn't know him, but I wish I did. Rest in peace.
i had also thought that hank owned it. wrong i guess?
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