Sunday, December 5, 2010

This is the cat that allegedly attacked a New Jersey woman at McSorley's

Thanks to the reader who passed along this adorable YouTube link of Minnie at McSorley's... Previously.


  1. Hmm.. I dunno.. after seeing this footage, I am now in fear of Minnie. It is obvious that if provoked, she could fatally dominate any opponent with a karate Tiger Kick. I sure hope McSorley's has their insurance papers in order. The plaintiff has a case!

  2. aww the snookums gonna bite you? lookit the baby.. ooh so mean and scairy!
    Minz if you need to go on the lam i'll hide u out!!!

  3. . I have it on good word from a couple friends that were there that day that the Pussy is innocent. There are mitigating circumstances and that she will be exonerated.

  4. i feel the evil. the purry, purry, fuzzy-wuzzy evil.

  5. Let us not forget that when this incident supposedly occurred, little Min was but 3 months old
    This vid is a little deceiving.

  6. This is actually the old Minnie, back before she gained serious weight. New Minnie, however, is even less threatening.

    - Brendnan


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