Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When plastic chairs get caught in trees

Ev Grieve reader Bobby Williams noticed some police activity this afternoon around 4:30 on East Sixth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B... roughly in front of Joe's...

The word on the street: Somehow a plastic chair got stuck in tree. Maybe it fell off a nearby roof? The wind? Mysterious!

As you can see, the police eventually got their chair.


  1. To serve and protect! I feel safe now. From that chair.

  2. So des this mean the CPR on the side of cop cars, formerly claimed to mean Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect (yeah right) has now changed to mean Chairs, Plastic, Retrieved?

  3. I figure they didn't want one of those 'falling air conditioner' lawsuits popping up.

    Hundreds, if not thousands on unsuspecting Americans are killed by falling plastic chairs each year, it's true! The internet told me!


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