Friday, January 7, 2011

And a good morning to you!

A resident who lives near Avenue C and Ninth Street sent along this note about a discovery the other morning...

"... I pulled back my curtains and was startled by artwork left on my windowsill. From what it looked like to me, it was a sundial with about 30 or so thermometers glued to a bright yellow center. Upon further inspection from my landlord, it was about 30 or so bloody syringes glued to a center of razor blades! He had to call hazmat to have it removed ... [I'm] sure it was just a one-time psycho ordeal but enough to scare me. Wish I would have taken a photo."

Me too! And be careful out there...


  1. I live on 9th at C and saw this the other morning.
    Hardly scary. It was quite beautiful.
    It was left by the Ghosts of the old LES, in the same spirit as Father Christmas leaving coal in the stockings of bad little boys and girls.

  2. junkie humor - hey piece was a form of contemporary folk art, that stuff is worth big bucks!

  3. Please don't call HAZMAT... call me! If that thing is as cool as it sounds, it's worth some bucks. Basquiat and Haring left random art all over the EV... someone is due to break out... someday... I guess...


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