Monday, January 17, 2011

Do those security cameras on the Kenny Scharf mural really work?

Yes they do, says Billy Leroy, who first passed along the tip that someone had installed security cameras here on the wall at Houston and the Bowery after the latest Kenny Scharf bombing...

A few people questioned whether these things were actually working...

Billy, the proprietor of Billy's Antiques, checked in with the wall's landlord... and learned the cameras are active and recording the wall 24/7.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Latest addition to Kenny Scharf's mural: Security cameras


  1. Didn't Kenny start out as an "outlaw". If so, I find these cameras to be hypercritical. If they were fake this would be funny and an addition to the wall. SAD!

  2. Yeah he did. So what's your point?
    Outlaws don't fuck other people's work. Only jealous little bitches do that.
    Neither the wall or the cameras are his.


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