Monday, January 10, 2011

El Camion opens Thursday

As the signs show, the new Mexican eatery here on Avenue A and 12th Street opens Thursday...

And I finally got a look inside for myself... looks pretty nice to me... we'll see what kind of crowd that it attracts...

Previously on EV Grieve:
El plywood comes off at El Camion


  1. hmmmm does look cute! mexican places are like an itch I have to scratch!!! I just love them and you can have a margarita and pretend its not 28 degrees outside

  2. Be prepared for it to be noisy as hell in there. All the glass, steel, and other hard surfaces will have the sounds bouncing all around.

  3. This place was delicious and friendly. It wasn't noisy, but the sun did provide a bit too much sun. They might need to get some blinds in there.


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