Monday, January 17, 2011

This morning outside the Cooper Square Hotel

Regardless if this had anything to do with the hotel... management must have loved an exterminator's truck parked near the entrance...


  1. BEDBUGS BEDBUGS BEDBUGS ... Were you bitten? Call the Helpline 1 800 BED BUGS

  2. Bedbugs,,,eco-style.

  3. we should all chip in for a beat up van, have "bed bug removal" professionally painted on the side, and park it right in front of all the places on our sh*tlist.

  4. Hello! You have a very nice and funny blog.
    My family and I are spending our summer vacation in New York city this summer. We were thinking of this hotel, but we, especially the kids are really scared of insects because we come from norway and we dont have many there. So I was wondering if you knew about any bedbug-free hotels? Do you know if this hotel has had any? Thank you so much if you want to help us. Best regards Birgitte!


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