Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yesterday afternoon in Tompkins Square Park

Yesterday afternoon, an EMS crew was dispatched to Tompkins Square Park ...

...a man, believed to be inebriated, had passed out ... Bobby Williams was on the scene... the responders picked up the man and took him away....


  1. What a waste of tax money, just let the junkies die, darwinism. If you cant handle your drugs\alcohol, then you shouldnt be drinking or alive. We the city are in dire financial streights, and yet we gotta spend money on nypd ems and fdny to take this piece of sh*t to the hospital, so he can get better and then come back to the park so he can drink\do drugs and pass out again, in the same place where my kids play after school and I walk my dog. Next time Im gonna have my dog piss on him. It would probably make him smell better.
    GOD FORBID that the police\hospital force him to go to a rehad program after they picked his ass up. That would be the responsible thing to do.

  2. Jimbo Jones. The worst neighbor the EV and LES ever spawned. Good looking out for your fellow man.

  3. I am, and most people agree, Fellow man? This junkie is not my fellow man! He is a piece of Shit who clogs up the system with his irresponsible behavior. He drives down property value. Hey anon, I bet your the kinda guy that gives these junkies money and food, then calls 911 when they sleep on your doorstep or hallway. The smell of your own farts must be nice. Why dont you invite these junkies in and have them sleep in your apt.
    Comeone do it big mouth


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