Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anyone missing an orange kitten?

A reader found the kitty this a.m. on Ninth Street between Avenue C and Avenue D. Maybe 4 or 5 months old? If so:


  1. he's just a baby :(

    If he does belong to someone I sure hope his owner/s are able to find him.

    Lost pet stories make me the saddest. I wish my damn tenement apartment weren't so small because then I could take in all the strays and be known as be the Crazy Cat (and puppy and bird) Lady of the East Village.

  2. I already hold that title :)

  3. No you dont, that belongs to the crazy old woman who somehow had a key to our building and would come into the backyard to feed the ferals at 4 am - no problem with that except she would start calling the to the ferals and banging on the fence and waking me up every day. I suggested she not do that anymore. Between loons like the and the incessant noise from the indian restaurants its no wonder I'm always grumpy. And the upcoming elimination of rent controls by the billionaire owned state senate.

  4. I pay market rent and have to deal with batshit people, a shitty management company and the loudest neighbor this side of the Mississippi. I win.

  5. Kimberley - that doesn't mean you win. That just means you live in the East Village.

  6. @Jeremy - HA!

    If I didn't already have 3 kittehs I would be sorely tempted to take this little baby. Such a sweet face. Hope it finds a good home.


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