Monday, February 14, 2011

Breaking: Demolition permits filed for 35 Cooper Square

This news comes via Andrew Berman at the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. As he writes: "While they have not been approved yet, as I understand this is simply a matter of filing all the appropriate paperwork; these are sometimes granted as quickly as the same day." Here's the filing.


  1. From walking by there this morning, it seems demolition has already started. The roof was gone.

  2. Is there any way to stop this or is it too late?

  3. So how is it our elected officials have NO PROBLEM ramming through bike lanes and passing fascistic anti-smoking, calorie count and restaurant grade laws, yet cannot muster enough enthusiasm or muscle to save a small but important piece of our city's ever-more-rapidly disappearing history? All of the politicos who showed up to the protest - and no, Rosie Mendez was not among them; despite her letter she didn't even send a representative - where are they? Why are they not stopping this? Do they even know this is happening? Do they really care? Or was it just a chance to get their names in the paper, to show they're "doing something"? Tom Duane and Deborah Glick have been in the City Council for decades, and yet they don't have the power to do ANYTHING about this? And where did that petition to save the building go? Was it even delivered to anyone? And yeah, I know these are all rhetorical questions, but I am just so disgusted that I had to vent.

  4. Upon seeing it again this afternoon, it seems like the roof isn't actually gone yet, but there are workers furiously hacking at the shingles.

  5. Maybe we should all try to gather a shingle as a momento.. make a memory quilt of the building with those shingles. :(

    city administration hacks - 1
    nyc architectural/cultural history - 0

    if not this 200 year old historic gem - what landmarks would be considered worthy of preservation by this puppet commission?? the historic bowery being ravaged by tasteless, greedy developers. at who's direction?? we don't need a another robert moses! we don't want to look back and say - oh, this never should have happened! BASTA!!!

  7. This is a criminal act!!! Where are the law enforcement officials?

  8. This city has really learned nothing from the demolition of Penn Station--the reason for the formation of the LPC. When these wonderful historic gems have been obliterated and massive, sterile structures have taken their place, will we, once again, then bemoan the loss of what once existed in our communities? 35 Cooper Square is irreplaceable and is a tragic loss. Obviously, history has not taught us any hard lessons.


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