Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy McSorley's Day!

Hey! It's Feb. 17 ... seven years ago, Mayor "Put some ice in my beer!" Bloomberg declared McSorley's Day in New York... Here's an ad for the day from yesterday's Post ...

The bar is also celebrating its 157th (or 149th!) anniversary....

Meanwhile, we're hoping for a quote from Minnie McSorley about the Big Day. (Find her Facebook page here.)

Previously on EV Grieve:
Happy 155th birthday, McSorley's (or not)

Not today, but you should try lunch there one of these lazy days... as Jeremiah did.


  1. LMAO over Mayor "Put some ice in my beer!" Bloomberg.

  2. Minnie is SO CUTE. And she looks like she's imitating some of her bar's more dedicated patrons. What a little comedian!

  3. EV Heave will be working overtime tonight at the Cooper hive building!

  4. I see you still haven't gotten a quote from Minnie. I hope with all the attention she hasn't turned into a diva. I heard a rumor she was going to show up at McSorley's Day inside of an egg carried by a group of Doberman Pinschers.

  5. minnie rocks! i love the food at mc sorley's and mary, the glorious chef, but makes my stay at this incredible bar has always been Minnie!


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