Sunday, February 20, 2011

Returning to the scene on Avenue B

This morning, we noted police presence on Avenue B between Seventh Street and Eighth Street... where a police officer told a reader that someone "found a body."

We stopped by the scene this afternoon... and found the following...


  1. WOOOOOOOO i love it i hope it scares a mom who's in town visiting her spoiled daughter and they LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE

  2. I hope whoever wrote that comment isn't serious and is just trying to provoke someone to comment. Otherwise, maybe it's time for them to leave NYC; they've grown too jaded even for NYC.

  3. Boy, that doorway into the yard looked so much bigger when I went to school there.

  4. These are remnanents of a life. Very sad.

  5. Also, the NYFD/NYPD post mortem procedure, to leave those gloves, the yellow tape, etc., after the fact, was not exactly a cool thing to do. Someone did die a tragic death here.

  6. @anonymous4:15...
    HA! Leave NYC for being "jaded"? You fool.
    This is where my birth, my family, my friends, my life is.
    You sad sick waste who thinks this is a destination.

  7. 12:19, I'm not 4:15, but I too find your first comment insensitive. I was also born here, and share your disdain for tourists and annoying spoiled kids temporarily living here, but the appropriate reaction to a homeless woman's death is never "WOOOOOOOO i love it." Please have a heart.

  8. I don't love the death, that would be sick.

    I love the crime scene.

  9. Anonymous, maybe you know something we don't. There was no crime. The poor woman probably died from the cold or maybe in combination with some substance.

    I still question your humanity.


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