Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week in Grieview

A dance for Ray's 78th birthday celebration. (Tuesday)

[Photos by John Penley via Facebook ... Bob Arihood and Slum Goddess have more photos]

Looking at Nelson Sullivan's East Village (Wednesday)

Appreciating the Salvation Army on the Bowery before it becomes a swanky hotel (Tuesday)

Discussing first dates in the East Village (Thursday)

Learning about Bowery Beef (Friday)

Seeing what's coming to 532 E. Fifth St. (Thursday)

Addressing Mars Bars rumors (Friday)

Keeping street art safe (Wednesday)

And some bonus video of DEP crews working late night Thursday on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue ... (thanks to the reader for this!)

1 comment:

  1. Did she think that her showing her goodies might've given the old man a heart attack at his age?


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