Friday, March 4, 2011

'30 Rock' setting up to shoot inside Lucky Cheng's

That's the word from a reader just now on First Avenue... Photos anyone?


  1. Walked by a film crew member yelling at a cabbie for parking illegally behind him around 7:30am on 2nd St. bt 1st and 2nd aves. Only two trucks on site at the time as far as I could tell--anyone know what time they'll probably be shooting?

  2. OMG - seriously need to stop by and see if I can spot Tracy Morgan!!!!

    -Roger P

  3. It would be nice if Alec Baldwin walked over to the restaurant Lucien and asked them to stop serving Fioe Gras.

  4. There is also a Robert DeNiro Juliane Moore movie filming on 12t btw Ave A and Ave B


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