Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Step 3: walk it to the curb

EV Grieve reader James Taylor sends along a photo of this discarded iMac (circa 1998, with its "no step three ad" campaign) and asks...

"How long will it be before we see gently used iPads on the street?"


  1. I still have one like that (well, mine was orange...excuse me..."tangerine"). It now lives in a box in storage, needlessly.

  2. Wow, funny how ancient those things look now. I remember buying one in '98 and the salesman asked me what color I wanted and he about short-circuited when I told him I didn't care. That was before the Apple stores and the onslaught of iEverything.

  3. iPads would be great for holding up and air-conditioner.

  4. Yeah I remember when that thing was the nadir of sleek style and sophistication, and now it just looks like an old clunker.

  5. Still...
    Not many electronic devices these days that you can squeeze nearly 13 years of life out of.
    The guy got his money's worth.

  6. My G3 (before they started making them pretty colors, it's tan) is from '98 and still running. I eventually gave it to a relative who uses it to surf the web.

  7. Interesting to note also how cool and funny late-90s advertising was... before Apple became the self-righteous obnoxious brand we know today.

    My iBook lasted seven years. I've since switched to a PC.

    Incidentally I've had my Sony Walkman since 1988. It still works but I generally use an iPod shuffle these days since all my cassettes are at my parents' house.


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