Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A CB3/SLA recap: 'Everyone wants a piece of the EV gold rush'

Here's a little more on Monday night's CB3/SLA meeting... We heard that the whole thing ran eight hours... and a good crowd was present.

"The place was packed," East Village Dale Goodson told me later. "So many applicants. Everyone wants a piece of the EV gold rush."

Indeed. Meanwhile, EV Grieve reader Mike sent along his account from the four hours or so that he spent there...

1) Team New Superdive showed up, but they didn’t have a representative so they had to wait a while. When they finally did come up, they decided to define the word “salon” and talk about how they were an art gallery that just needed to stay open really late at night for no apparent reason. They gave endless introductions about who they were, to the great non-interest of the audience, and then were asked, by both the Community Board and the audience why they were presenting the same plan they presented five months ago with no modifications after making no effort to communicate with the community about their concerns. They responded that they were “advised not to.” Their lawyer did some quick backpedaling about how he had certainly not suggested such a thing, and then they were forced to withdraw their application. The audience, who was out for blood, was disappointed, but victorious.

2) Tiny’s Giant Sandwich Shop at 129 Rivington St. brought along a bunch of supporters who talked about how much they liked to eat sandwiches after work and wished they could have a glass of wine. After a bit of wrangling, it was granted, with restrictions on the hours it could be open.

3) Percy's Tavern (210 Ave A) was requesting an outdoor cafe. There was significant community opposition because Percy's has apparently not kept its promises to the residents of the community about reducing the noise level. Its owner kept saying the noise was not his fault and talking about how he moved the stage, but neither the neighbors or the Board were impressed. They were denied, and told to try again when they’d proven themselves to the community.

4) A restaurant whose corporate name is “133 Essex Restaurant LLC” wants to take over the Mason Dixon space that apparently houses a bunch of frat boys and a mechanical bull. The budding restaurateurs wouldn’t accept a midnight closing time during the week and a 2 a.m. closing time on the weekends. They told the community members that if they didn’t let them operate later into the night, the community would continue to be saddled with Mason Dixon (which is apparently closed right now for some sort of violation) and that there would be vomit everywhere. So in any case, that was a bit ugly, but they withdrew.

5) Angels and Kings is closing so that a restaurant can open. But wait, Angels and Kings has a kitchen? Apparently they even have a menu. Who knew? They are going to hire the chef from the troubled Forbidden City on Avenue A that is now called the Fat Buddha. The neighbors opposed the transfer because there wasn't any community outreach. Neighbors also complained about their proposed hours (4 p.m. - 3:30 am sounds a lot like bar hours) and one Community Board member questioned why they planned on having one security guard inside and another outside, which sounds like bar security, not restaurant security. One also wonders why a small restaurant needs a full liquor license anyway, but that’s another story. Anyway, they withdrew to go meet with community members.

6) Finally, the owners of the Tonda space wanted to get the stipulations about closing time and a coffee window taken off their license (a transfer). They got their coffee window (they will now apparently have pastries and coffee starting at 7:30 a.m.), but the residents of East 4th Street won the hours battle: 12 p.m. closing on weekdays, 1 a.m. on weekends.

One further note on Angels and Kings. Another attendee told me about a letter from a social worker who works with the elderly residents of The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Apartments that face the bar on 11th Street. The social worker said that some of the residents are feeling depressed and anxious — aided in part by sleepless nights courtesy of noisy nearby bars.

Also, a few weeks ago we mentioned that South Brooklyn Pizza is expanding to open a restaurant — serving beer and wine — next door at 122 First Ave. in the former Ruben's space. The South Brooklyn folks have been collecting signatures in support of the move, and showed up at the meeting with more than 2,000 signatures.

As Eater's Jackie Goldstein reported, the owner started his presentation by saying that South Brooklyn Pizza was known as the "best pizza place in New York City right now." To Jackie's recap:

Then someone mentioned "Fondle Parties," an event that has occurred at South Brooklyn Pizza which basically sounds like a grope fest. But it was okay, one committee member even said "nothing's wrong with a little fondling as long as it's consensual." The board voted to deny unless they agreed to stop serving booze at 1 a.m. on weeknights and 2 a.m. on weekends.

No word on whether the EV location will host Fondle parties. You can read more about them here.

Find more recaps at Eater and The Lo-Down.


  1. what i wouldn't give for a bakery or a fresh fruit market to open in one of these godforsaken spaces.

  2. @Anonynmous: OMG yes. Why is there no place to buy a decent loaf of bread in this neighborhood? But no, the only grain products we get are more varieties of hooch!

  3. I feel sad for those elderly people in that old folks home, having to live right across the street from Angels & Kings. I freak out over the noise I have to deal with. I imagine it is even more distressing for them. People forget the East Village isn't just a party zone for twentysomethings. There are elderly people all over the neighborhood who are especially vulnerable and don't have the energy or resources to battle the bars. Pete Wentz, your grandmother would be ashamed of you!

  4. One of the people in the cast of "Team New Superdive" gave a whole speech about the connection between food and art. She said that chefs and artists were one in the same. I really wanted to shoot a spit ball at her through my straw.
    They also said that the owner of the building was going to be their patron of art, the guy who leased the space to Superdive. One of the CB members Ariel told the people that were there to oppose that they should meet with the applicants. One guy said why should we meet with anyone who has as a partner the landlord who brought us Superdive. To which Ariel replied something like: If Hitler wanted to meet with you, you should meet with him. This is outrageous! She needs to go.

  5. @Anonymous11:14
    The board member said that just because Hitler had spent a night in a building that that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the space itself.

    She was referring to the fact that any project at 200A has come under massive scrutiny (that other projects wouldn't).

    I've got no love for the screwy 200A plan or the board itself, but don't put words in people's mouths.

  6. Anonymous @ 9:28 and Lisa - there is a place to buy fresh bread in the East Village. Barnyard Cheese shop at 149 Avenue C
    New York, NY 10009-5303
    (212) 674-2276

    They have fresh bread, great cheeses, and juices, and wonderful sandwiches.
    Just wanted to let you know!

  7. That's not what she fucking said. She did not say anything at all like what you are suggesting above. I clearly heard her say something like this. "She said If Hitler wanted to meet with you, you should meet with him", Bullshit!! Somebody who was at the meeting please chime in. It was also video taped.

    Sounds like somebody put their foot in their mouth and now they are trying to protect themself.

  8. @Victoria - Thank you, will check it out ASAP, it sounds wonderful!

  9. Man, I am glad I am no longer chair of the SLA Committee...or even on it...

  10. What's wrong with the bread at 9th Street Bakery? They have been around forever and as far as I can see they get absolutely no business. They've resorted to trying to become a cafe. Their bread is very good and resonably priced.

  11. 9th St Bakery is the best !

  12. I noticed yesterday while walking on 1st Avenue that there is not a single bar between 10th & 14th Street, while on the same stretch on Avenue A there are nine! It's bizarre.

  13. There's a big Mexican restaurant with a full bar coming to 1st Street between 13th and 14th. Don't need any advertising for first aveenue thank you.

  14. Whats unbelievable is that people feel free to write any inaccurate comment or quote they like to serve their own agenda!

    I was also there and what Ariel was actually responding to was one of the block association peoples outburst in the audience that he would never want to meet with anyone interested in the Superdive space.

    What Ariel said was that no physical location should be held responsible for the deeds of its previous tenant..even if it was Hitler. She was trying to show an extreme example of how ridiculous the concept was to hold an address against an applicant. Just as these comments about her are an extreme example of people not understanding the democratic process have of having a balanced representation of the community itself.

    I'm sure all of the NIMBY's would love to have no bar owners on the board but unfortunately for them this is going to have to be a fair fight no matter how many dirty, mud slinging tactics they use to bully the only bar owner on the committee.

  15. @TruthTeller

    All for bar owners to serve on the Board. Too bad she happens to own the lamest/douchiest bar around. Question her taste. #Truth


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