Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monsters are clearly attacking the Lower East Side, maybe

First, there was the Mystery Lot creature...

And now! EV Grieve reader Ben A. captured this shot last evening on Orchard just south of Stanton Street... there, above the 161...

We can't can't tell if this thing is coming or going... and whether 161 is the breeding ground for these creatures... to be continued — if there's time!


  1. Okay, I'm getting under my covers and never coming out. This is an all out invasion!

  2. This one looks like Susan Stetzer's mutation!

  3. I guess the radiation from Japan has made it here, we'll never know because the Feds are covering it up, and maybe this is why NYPD wanted to make it illegal for citizens to use geiger counters.

  4. Maybe it is one of Lady Gaga's shits.

  5. They ate all the Smurfs. Haven't seen any Smurfs lately.


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