Thursday, April 7, 2011

What year is this?

Toad the Wet Sprocket? Gallagher?

Pardon me why I go watch "LA Law."


  1. fun fact: Glenn Phillips (of Toad the Wet Sprocket) has never stopped touring or making music in spite of the lack of radio-singles. He's got a pretty good fan base. He played Madison Square Park a few years back and there was a huge crowd.

  2. Ed Grant reports:
    "Thus, when I found out this week that Gallagher is now a pissed-off, bitter old dude, I was conflicted: I’m naturally prone to feeling sympathetic towards older performers who feel left out in today’s show-biz world. But, since I could never take large doses (or small doses) of Gallagher when he was at his peak of popularity (and for those who weren’t around, or who don’t remember, he was HUGELY popular at one point), I guess I’m slightly happy that he’s now a really fuckin’ angry prop comic who spews racist, sexist, homophobic jokes before he gets around to the Sledge-o-matic bit that seemed moronic when he started doing it more than thirty years ago."


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