Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another new deli for Avenue C

EV Grieve reader Dave on 7th notes another new deli on Avenue C. The Neighborhood Deli takes over the space from Pollo Cafecito, the takeout shop for Cafecito between 11th Street and 12th Street.

Neighborhood Deli now joins the new Yankee Deli a few storefronts away ... as well as two newly renovated delis three blocks to the south on Avenue C.


  1. Deli row might be nice - IF we were talking independently owned shops, offering a unique selection of foods and goods that represented some character or flavor of the neighborhood and its rich cultural heritage. This crop of cookie-cutter, over priced, convenience stores seem to aspire to be nothing more than 7-11 knock-offs... depressing.

  2. In all fairness, all the new & renovated deli, formally known as bodegas, are independently owned businesses, and I can't say whether their more expensive or not, but they certainly lack the character of the bodegas of the recent past.

  3. there definitely seems to be an uptick in new bodegas in the neighborhood of late.

  4. It's new Delis for their new clientel.

  5. This store has the lowest prices this neighborhood has seen in years. In addition they listen to their regulars and stock items upon reasonable request. Those two facts set this place apart from a "cookie-cutter, over priced, 7-11 knock-off. The place is also independently owned.


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