Thursday, May 19, 2011

Soon, there'll be more hotel rooms than apartments on the Lower East Side

The long-idle development affectionally called the Orchard Hell Building on Orchard Street between Houston and Stanton will become a — ding! ding!290-room hotel, Crain's reports. Read the history of this space here at BoweryBoogie, Curbed and The Lo-Down.

[Photo via BoweryBoogie]


  1. NOOOOOO!!!!! There goes another bit of sky blocked from my windows. :*-(

  2. Does anybody know what's going in at the north east corner of Ave A and 14th? I've heard NYU dorm rumors.

  3. Are there really going to be 290 tourists at a time who will want to stay on Orchard Street? Why am I not seeing that?

  4. It's not that there aren't 290, it's that there are a million fucking new hotels that have gone up in those few blocks in the past few years. How is all this shit allowed? It's so sad that we live somewhere, but it's not a home.

  5. I don't understand this at all. I agree with Lisa. I live on the Lower East Side and I can barely understand how people think there will be a ton of tourists who will want to stay here at any given time. The Lower East Side is a circus-sideshow at night and on the weekends, sure. But most tourists still gravitate towards staying in Midtown even if they decide to get sloshed on the Lower East Side 1-2 (or all) nights of their stay here.

    Knock everything down. Make every block have a hotel, a Duane Reade, a huge bank that takes up an insane amount of room even though most people only ever use the tiny ATM area, a fro-yo shop, a couple of crappy chain food stores like TGIF and Chipotle and bars. Sounds like the current vision of lower Manhattan.

  6. where are all the parents of nyu students (not to mention cooper union, the new school, school of visual arts, pratt, etc.) going to stay when they visit their precious children?

    we are rapidly becoming a college campus/free-for-all playground with expensive treats for the chosen.

  7. Please, your parochial preoccupations with "neighborhood" are souring my drink.

  8. To say nothing of the mercenaries (like AirBnB & Sanctuary Guest Suites) who think nothing of co-opting the few remaining apartments & then renting those out as hotel rooms (to those very same NYU parents & Eurotrash looking for "the" authentic New York living experience)! In the meantime, they compromise the safety and (what's left of) the flavor of (what remains of) our fair city. WIth this continual suburbanization of the urban, why even bother with the hotels? There's nothin' to see here folks... move along. It's all (now) just the same as the place you just flew here from. *sigh*

  9. Please, your parochial preoccupations with "neighborhood" are souring my drink.

    anonymous, have another drink. you obviously don't know what a neighborhood is.

  10. Blue Glass, I shall drink until lower Manhattan is a catacomb beneath the hotels. Hope to see you there. Anonymous.


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