Thursday, May 19, 2011

East Village bars and restaurants with 0 violation points from the DOH

The DOH closure of Ray's this week really prompted this post. We often (or, maybe, always) write about the bars or restaurants that the DOH shutters.

So, what about all the places in the neighbor with spotless records? (Well, at least spotless as of their last inspection.) There are a good number of places with O violations points. (Also quite a few with just 2 violation points.)

Here's the list with 0 Violation points:

• Il Bagato and Il Postocanto on East Second Street

• Juicy Lucy on Avenue A

• Matilda on 11th Street

• Drop Off Service on Avenue A

• Yerba Buena on Avenue A (This comes after a bad score led to their closure in February.)

• Beauty Bar on 14th Street

• Something Sweet on First Avenue

• The Continental on Third Avenue

• Dunkin' Donuts on 14th Street

• Ella on Avenue A

• Numero 28 Pizzeria on Second Avenue

• Scarab Lounge on First Avenue

• Pinkberry on St. Mark's Place

• Brio Bar on Astor Place

And the DOH even makes the widget available for bloggers and who not...


  1. Cool. Good to hear these establishments are making the effort to not give us all food poisoning at a time when other businesses are trying to get away with everything.

  2. Belcourt on 4th and 2nd has a zero score too. you should add them. good restaurant and good for the hood...............

  3. You know that any list that includes the Dunkin' Donuts on 14th Street is gonnna be top shelf exclusive!

  4. The Continental? Really? Last time I was in there (a long time ago), I stuck to the wall.

  5. @Goggla

    i was thinking about the same thing. i actually preferred continental when it was dirty. its bathroom could have competed with mars bar's. haven't been there since they installed the plasma tvs.

  6. This I don't get at all. It is damn near impossible to get a zero. I've been in the biz for 20 years. High end , low end, and everything in between. If these DOH guys want to tag you, they will find something.

  7. Check out the bottom 10 - they include two of my favorites and their higlights:

    Diablo Royal - 51 points

    "Raw, cooked or prepared food is adulterated, contaminated, cross-contaminated"

    CienFuegos - 61 points

    "Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility's food and/or non-food areas.

    Evidence of flying insects or live flying insects present in facility's food and/or non-food areas."

  8. Wow, not good news for Diablo. Yet, Ray had all of the above violations and this town is throwing him a party? Can anyone say 'double standard?'

  9. Can anyone figure out why there's just one Pinche Taqueria? There should be two, one on Mott and one on Lafayette, right? Am I missing one? The one on Lafayette is listed and, yup, they've scored in basketball game range a few times.

    Pinche Taqueria got me interesting in looking up ratings a few years ago when I saw the cooks chopping up raw chicken on the same cutting boards as they prepared the food they were serving, among other horrifying and obvious violations. When I looked them up a few years ago, they had a perfect score, no score, and a very high score and no obvious score at all, even though they were open. I remember being puzzled at the time but forgot to ask around or drop an e-mail to the DoH.

  10. Yeah but Diablo attracts idiots. What a bunch of losers. Real mall trash and that grill that rusty grill that they've been keeping out front...They grill the pork for brunch on it...

  11. @Anon 10:56 - Nice - I ate at Diablo once and while I am not sure where they grilled it, the stuff in their tacos tasted more like scrapple or spam than pork. CienFuegos's fence kinda reminds me of mouse droppings.


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