Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Live in the Bowery Hotel penthouse — for $30,000 a month

So here's the listing that appeared on the market today via Streeteasy:

Atop of the Bowery Hotel, the peak, the summit, the indistinguishable view and lifestyle that can’t be matched. Living in a hotel is what life should be like.

This unique residence and lifestyle features 360-degree views of NYC through magnificent floor to ceiling windows that remind you of time almost lost forever.

I could tell you what its all about but the photographs do more than I could ever say.

We'll be the judges of that!

No word yet if they'll rent this by the hour.

[Updated: Curbed noted this afternoon that the PH was on the market for $40,000/month in 2008 ... Read more about it here]


  1. "...magnificent floor to ceiling windows that remind you of time almost lost forever."

    Welcome to the Alzheimer's Apartment. A couple nights in here and you'll forget you ever had a bank account.

  2. Who the hell would want to live in an apartment where anybody and everybody can stare in your windows anytime at all? Plus there are no walls to hang pictures on.

  3. @anon 1:41, who would want to? You obviously don't have your finger on the pulse of the douchebag generation. Everyone wants to be seen and to make some kind of a production of their lives nowadays.

  4. so, it's about $42/hr or about $10.50 for 15 mins. ...

  5. Wow. Amazing.

    The one good thing I will say about the Bowery Hotel is that they built it like a building should be built, and they respected the look o the neighborhood. It is a quality structure, that blends in nicely, and isn't all glass and steel.


  7. I don't feel threatened that there are those who can afford thirty grand a month rent, nor am I constitutionally opposed to new construction.

    But, if you're gonna build something new, and if money's no object, is THIS really the best you can come up with?!

    What a pastiche. The cheap brick walls are supposed to read as "bohemian" I suppose. The coffered ceilings are a nod to "old world". Then we have the floor-to-ceiling paned glass (the more panes, the classier!) except it's not exactly floor-to-ceiling, because there's an arbitrary line of brick skirting the bottom (lest ye forget you're living in bohemia, it's there to remind you). The floors look like wood laminate... the balcony's strictly Prisoner of Second Avenue... don't even get me started on the "cozy" corner mantle.

    It's a sad day when a glimpse of NY-on-$30,000-a-month doesn't cause the slightest tinge of real estate envy.

  8. No thanks. But I'd be down to crash the open house with my fellow grievers. BYOB!


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