Sunday, May 15, 2011

Noted at the Mars Bar


  1. Or sadly "The End Is Here".

  2. I hope it stays open till Wednesday night, I'll need a few drinks before Jesus comes back the following day.

  3. Are they filling the beer pumps one more time?

  4. I thought Jesus was coming Friday - dang, hate being late for a Rapture.

    Hey... maybe the prophesy is about MarsBar, a major bummer but NOT the ACTUAL end of world... hmmm

    ... just thinking outloud whilst looking for my fancyspecialnew Rapturesuit.

  5. Did Jesus announce what time he/she'll be coming for rapture? I'm gonna be kind of busy between 11am and 4pm. I wouldn't want to miss this for anything. Is he/she gonna turn water into wine? Count me in...I got a 4 gallon bucket of water ready for the metamorphosis. That'll get me through the 22nd, anyway (hopefully).


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