Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Things that you can do when traffic on the Bowery is backed up

Park and pose, apparently.


  1. If you zoom in on the woman, it looks like she's doing the Funky Chicken!


  2. That's some whale of a gas-guzzler they have. Kind of cool-looking, though.
    Funny how they appear to be having engine trouble right where there once was an auto mechanic.

  3. The fellow has a de rigeur Pink Shirt!!The season has started!!

  4. Son, you're gonna drive me to drinkin', if you don't stop drivin' that Hot....Rod.....Lincoln!

    SWEET Ride!!!

  5. @Drbop: I had forgotten all about that song. And yes, that is a sweet ride! Makes me wonder what ever happened to EV Lambo.

  6. @Marty EV Lambo is summering early in Montauk.

  7. That's an old Mercury, probably from 1964. The Mercury's sort of inverted rear window, the "breezeway," was introduced in 1963 and was powered, so it could go up and down.


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