Saturday, June 18, 2011

And what Lower East Side bar did the NYPD close last night?

Welcome to the Johnson's. According to reports, the 7th Precinct cited them for allegedly serving minors.

This is the latest bar the 7th Precinct has shuttered. BoweryBoogie and The Lo-Down have full reports on this latest closure.

[Photo via BoweryBoogie]


  1. Texting, texting: Like , OMG, where are we going to, like, go? Whatever!

  2. Like CE, fuh rill? We are flip-flopping our way over to Tampon Hut on Avenue A. WTF! Then to Hot & Crusty. OMG! Then back to Stuy Town! Like, I hope one of our 219 roommates are home to like, let us back in to the Ke$ha party. Do you like, know how LOUD we have to scream to like, reach the 12th floor and stuff?

    Flip... flip.... like crap! I lost a flip flop!

  3. To Lux Living:
    If I ever inherit any money (highly doubtful) and open up a saloon, it'll be named "Tampon Hut". Wonder if I could get an illuminated sign permit.

  4. that sucks. i would prefer them to close basically any other bar on that side of houston.

    the nypd should go arrest all the developers who built in blatant violation of zoning laws and got away with it without so much as a slap on the wrist.

  5. Here is the hidden true story:

    The 7th Precinct is shaking down bar owners and shutting down venues south of Houston, making false claims about minors, crowd control, etc.

    They are forcing owners to purchase id scanners that collect patrons' info that gets downloaded to the NYPD's database and they are forcing owners to hire extra security people who are off-duty and former cops.

    Bar and club owners are terrified and aren't talking to the media, for fear of being targeted by the 7th Precinct for retribution.

    The mainstream media thus far is ignoring this as well....

  6. "They are forcing owners to purchase id scanners that collect patrons' info that gets downloaded to the NYPD's database and they are forcing owners to hire extra security people who are off-duty and former cops."

    It's true that getting an ID scanner will get you in the good graces of the NYPD but in all the time I worked with one I can tell you that the the NYPD never once downloaded the data to their own database. The machines aren't hooked up to anything so all the data stays on the scanner itself and the NYPD would have to get the owners permission to extract the data. I've also heard of a door person in any of the East Village/ LES bars that was an off duty officer. Nodody get paid more then $200 a night and that's just not enough for a cop. Can you name a single bar in the 7th precinct that hires off duty NYP to work the door?


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