Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A discount Mercedes

Shawn Chittle came across this Mercedes doubling as an ad vehicle for the Discount Organic Cleaners & Laundromat ... here on 14th Street at Avenue A.

You always build credibility by using a Mercedes to help advertise a "Discount" laundromat!


  1. I wonder if it's an attempt to write off the cost of the Mercedes as a 'business expense'?

  2. I love how EVG put "WTF" in the labels. Exactly what I was thinking!

  3. @Shawn: I thought exactly the same thing! Nice shot, I got a much-needed laugh out of it!

  4. It's illegal to put that sign on a non-commercial vehicle, but nobody seems to care. That laundromat owner also has a NYC DOT Handicapped permit that they use to park their mini-fleet of cars outside their business or in Stuyvesant Town. It's been going on this way for years.

    Quality of life issues like these are never going to be solved without enforcement. Bikes, cars, bars, rowdy frats... all of it will continue without a targeted effort to change the behavior.

  5. Call the business and let them no we are not pleased with what they are doing. Also call a tv station consumer hotline and complain.

  6. I believe the owner of the laundromat does have a physical handicap. I've often seen him walking with a cane and he seems like he really relies on it.


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