Wednesday, June 15, 2011

DOH temporarily closes Quintessence

Yesterday, the DOH closed Quintessence, the vegan-raw food restaurant on 10th Street between First Avenue and Avenue A. Signs point to "emergency repairs," with a reopening tomorrow.

Naturally, this didn't make the folks happy at Quintessence, where they've enjoyed A ratings from the DOH. You can read the note they left on the door for patrons:



    I don't know what that place is like, but I know that the person who wrote the note needs help writing.

  2. @ Anonymous 7:58am:
    What do you want, good grammar or good artisanal mouse droppings?

  3. the DOH should go to new subway on ave b and ticket them for feeding people carcinogenic poison

  4. They were not fined for "mouse droppings", so pull your golf shirt out of your ass. Nice restaurant, non-processed REAL food. Again Bloombergization of our city messes with honest N.Y'ers. I'm sure they do not have "mouse droppings" in N.J, maybe you should move there.

  5. The only thing I do raw is the sex... nice....

  6. Hehehe...Golf shirt and New Jersey. You really know how to hurt a guy.

  7. One lucky duck and pure food and wine closed too!!!!

  8. Former employee at QJune 17, 2011 at 9:49 AM

    Not only Quintessence, Pure Food/One Lucky Duck, but also Angelika's Kitchen.
    So this is the world we live in; full of hypocrisy.
    Quintessence is the kind of place that sells some of the purest food one can eat, and have been helping people look & feel better, and also heal themselves of cancer, diabetes and so on.
    Shame on government stupid policies and ignorance!
    It perplexes me that all McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's etc etc are still open and helping people getting sick and obese.


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