Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New sinkhole proves that the Bowery isn't all glam yet

EV Grieve reader Michele Campo sends along the above photo, noting that a (roughly) 6-by-6 sinkhole opened up on the Bowery just north of Broome Street just after noon today.

Meanwhile, look for the sinkhole to apply for a liquor license soon.


  1. If you climb down the hole there's a food truck selling octopus tacos down there. And everyone who works at the truck are mole men! A true Superman TV moment!

  2. EV monster lives in there?

  3. Its Summer of the Sinkhole, I see it coming. I read in the news about a really big one today up on 57th st. Motorists, cyclists, pedestrians really got to watch out! Especially with the hot weather coming.

  4. they are still at work at the mammoth hole - which had what seemed to be brick lined sides in the cavity - WOW - some archaeological artifacts down yonder perhaps?
    the department of city planning may yet try to get another hotel built there - liquor license pending!!


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